Automated decision-making has the unprecedented power to disseminate bias at scale. As humans increasingly outsource our autonomy to machines, algorithms are already being deployed to decide what information we see, who gets hired, who gets health care, and who gets undue police scrutiny. As artificial intelligence moves out of the data science labs and into the real world, bias has the potential to be deployed at scale. There’s a real danger that without proper training on data evaluation and spotting the potential for bias in data, vulnerable groups in society could be harmed or have their rights impinged. A.I. also has intersectional implications on criminal & racial justice, immigration, healthcare, gender equity and current social movements.


We are working with a coalition of organizations, academics and activists to advance a national dialogue on artificial intelligence including facial recognition technology to organize communities to take action on algorithms that impact civil liberties and democracy. Online social screenings, educational materials and more will launch Fall of 2020. If you’d like to request a screening for your community, classroom, company, festival or conference, please complete the form.

For partnership and inquiries contact to Mia Bruno



Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines

Facial Recognition Technology in the Wild: A Call for A Federal Office.

Facial Recognition Technology in the Wild: A Call for A Federal Office.

Facial Recognition Technologies: A Primer

Facial Recognition Technologies: A Primer

Weapons of Math Destruction ” by Cathy O´Neil

Weapons of Math Destruction ” by Cathy O´Neil

Artificial Unintelligence ” by Meredith Broussard

Artificial Unintelligence ” by Meredith Broussard

Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism ” by Safiya Umoja Noble

Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism ” by Safiya Umoja Noble

Twitter and Teargas ” by Zeynep Tufekci

Twitter and Teargas ” by Zeynep Tufekci

TED Talk: How I’m fighting bias in algorithms featuring Joy Buolamwini

TED Talk: How I’m fighting bias in algorithms featuring Joy Buolamwini

Big Brother Watch UK

Big Brother Watch UK Top Companies for Women Technologists Top Companies for Women Technologists

Facial Recognition Interactive Map

Facial Recognition Interactive Map

Vox: Why algorithms can be racist and sexist

Vox: Why algorithms can be racist and sexist

Forbes: Biased Algorithms Learn From Biased Data: 3 Kinds Biases Found In AI Datasets

Forbes: Biased Algorithms Learn From Biased Data: 3 Kinds Biases Found In AI Datasets

The Gentle Civilizer of Technology : Speech by Ravi Naik, author at Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 10/29/2019.

The Gentle Civilizer of Technology : Speech by Ravi Naik, author at Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 10/29/2019.

"Automating Inequality " by Virginia Eubanks

"Automating Inequality " by Virginia Eubanks

"The Big Nine" by Amy Webb

"The Big Nine" by Amy Webb Women in Tech Election Toolkit Women in Tech Election Toolkit

Stop Facial Recognition in U.K

Stop Facial Recognition in U.K

Privacy N.Y. Stop Surveillance

Privacy N.Y. Stop Surveillance

Take Back Tech.

Take Back Tech.

Surveillance During COVID - 19

Surveillance During COVID - 19

RESEARCH GATE. Communities, Algorithms and Digital Activisms: Aphrodiasporic Views

RESEARCH GATE. Communities, Algorithms and Digital Activisms: Aphrodiasporic Views

Article 19. Governance with teeth: How human rights can strengthen FAT and ethics initiatives on artificial intelligence

Article 19. Governance with teeth: How human rights can strengthen FAT and ethics initiatives on artificial intelligence

CDT. What Happens When Computer Programs Automatically Cut Benefits That Disabled People Rely on to Surviv

CDT. What Happens When Computer Programs Automatically Cut Benefits That Disabled People Rely on to Surviv

CDT. Report: Challenging the Use of Algorithm-driven Decision-making in Benefits Determinations Affecting People with Disabilities

CDT. Report: Challenging the Use of Algorithm-driven Decision-making in Benefits Determinations Affecting People with Disabilities

Consumer Reports. Digital Lab

Consumer Reports. Digital Lab

Data & Society. Poverty Lawgorithms

Data & Society. Poverty Lawgorithms

Data & Society. Good Intentions, Bad Inventions: The Four Myths of Healthy Tech

Data & Society. Good Intentions, Bad Inventions: The Four Myths of Healthy Tech

Data & Society. Fairness in Precision Medicine

Data & Society. Fairness in Precision Medicine

Data & Society. Algorithmic Accountability primer

Data & Society. Algorithmic Accountability primer

Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy, McGill. Hitting Pause on Facial Recognition Technology

Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy, McGill. Hitting Pause on Facial Recognition Technology

MEEDAN, Check Global

MEEDAN, Check Global

MEEDAN. Scale up your fact-checking

MEEDAN. Scale up your fact-checking

Muslim Advocates. Complicit: The Human Cost of Facebook’s Disregard for Muslim Life

Muslim Advocates. Complicit: The Human Cost of Facebook’s Disregard for Muslim Life

Open Technology Institute. Automated Intrusion, Systemic Discrimination

Open Technology Institute. Automated Intrusion, Systemic Discrimination

Open Technology Institute. In the Drive to Curb Police Abuses, Rein in Their Tech Too

Open Technology Institute. In the Drive to Curb Police Abuses, Rein in Their Tech Too

Open Technology Institute. HUD’s New Rule Paves the Way for Rampant Algorithmic Discrimination in Housing Decisions

Open Technology Institute. HUD’s New Rule Paves the Way for Rampant Algorithmic Discrimination in Housing Decisions

Open Technology Institute. Holding Platforms Accountable: Online Speech in the Age of Algorithms

Open Technology Institute. Holding Platforms Accountable: Online Speech in the Age of Algorithms

Open Technology Institute. Centering Civil Rights in the Privacy Debate

Open Technology Institute. Centering Civil Rights in the Privacy Debate

ADC. Avanza la regulación del reconocimiento facial en la Legislatura porteña

ADC. Avanza la regulación del reconocimiento facial en la Legislatura porteña

ADC. #ConMiCaraNo: Facial recognition in the City of Buenos Aires

ADC. #ConMiCaraNo: Facial recognition in the City of Buenos Aires

FORBRUKER RADET. Out of Control: How consumers are exploited by the adtech industry - and what we are doing to make it stop

FORBRUKER RADET. Out of Control: How consumers are exploited by the adtech industry - and what we are doing to make it stop

TED TALK. Finn Lutzow-Holm Mystrad

TED TALK. Finn Lutzow-Holm Mystrad

European Digital RIghts: Defending your rights online

European Digital RIghts: Defending your rights online

E AI CARLA?. Youtube Channel

E AI CARLA?. Youtube Channel

Facing the Realities of Facial Recognition Technology: Recommendations for Canada’s Privacy Act

Facial Recognition Technology Policy Roundtable: What We Heard. Cybersecure Policy Exchange and Tech Informed Policy.

Improving Social Media: The People,Organizations and Ideas for a Better Tech Future


Learn more about Emotion Recognition Tech

Learn about the use of algorithmic decision making tools in pre-trial risk assessments 

Global Partners Digital, Recommendations for Advancing Human Rights and Social Justice in the Post-2020 Era

Derechos Digitales, Reports on Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion across Latin America.


Mass Extraction:
The Widespread Power of U.S. Law Enforcement to Search Mobile Phones

Civil Rights, Privacy and Technology, Oversight Agenda



